Get Inspired — Motivational Content That You Have to Experience!

Jeremiah Luke Barnett
3 min readMar 7, 2018


Sometimes in the midst of all the paper-writing, article-reading and general hum of everyday life, you just need a little break to refresh yourself.

A few months ago, I realized that pretty much every time I took one of these breaks, I wound up on Facebook or Instagram and actually felt LESS refreshed after the break than I was before the break…

So I challenged myself to try something new — below is a compilation of some of the places I go/content I turn to when I need a creative spark, burst of motivation or a calm moment.

#1. Places for a Creative Spark

The most inspiring content I know of out on the interwebs is Abstract: The Art of Design.

The series is on Netflix. Each episode focuses on a different artist, different medium and entirely different perspectives on life!

This is my absolute go-to for getting excited about life and finding that burst of creativity that you might need to come back and approach whatever is going on in your life with a newfound ingenuity/perspective!

Another inspiring series is Chef’s Table.

Also found on Netflix. This show takes a similar approach to that of Abstract: The Art of Design but with chefs around the world.

The way that each of these men and women think about their passion in life, the way it manifests in their food and the struggles they have overcome to be where they are today is extremely inspiring.

#2. A Moment of Calm

These two videos on Vimeo have been with me for a while!

Water II is a truly quieting and yet exhilarating 5-minutes.

A Story for Tomorrow tells a beautiful story and invokes a sense of calm and appreciation for the simple things in life.

#3. Burst of Motivation

There is a creator on Spotify called Fearless Motivation that edits together motivational speeches and epic music into these beautiful and massively inspirational “songs,” if you will.

If you are looking something to bring you beyond that extra rep, that extra mile or even getting yourself pumped up before a meeting, I’d listen to content from Fearless Motivation!

#4. Oliver Astrologo

Honestly, Oliver Astrologo’s content could go in any of these^ categories so I put him in his own!

If you admire incredible cinematography, exquisite perspectives on traveling and unbelievably amazing storytelling, watch any of his content on Vimeo.

#5. Nothing.

Finally, the category of nothing.

That is right — try doing nothing…you don’t necessarily have to fill a moment with some sort of stimulating content.

Sometimes the only inspiration you need can be found in your own reflections — but you have to allow a moment of silence to find those reflections.

So, whether you try out one of the previously mentioned experiences or you try sitting still for a moment and just thinking, inspiration can be found in a variety of places!

Go find it!



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