athImage by Jeremiah Luke Barnett

Member-only story

Making Death a Part of Everyday Life

Jeremiah Luke Barnett


Making death a part of my everyday life has brought me more freedom from stress and anxiety and self-inflicted mental trauma than a lot of other things in life.

As I interact with the world around me, there are countless instances within the span of a week when I fail, when I mess up and in those moments, me being who I am, I immediately begin to berate myself internally.

All of these things become quite small and almost a cause for a smile when you realize how insignificant they are in the grand scheme of things and also how insignificant they are next to the wonderful things in your life for which you can be grateful.

This is what I mean when I tell people that death is a regular part of my life. Death becomes a decision-making factor. Reminding myself that I’m going to die can serve as a re-orientating feature in order to make sure that I only care about the things that matter and refrain from letting the small, trivial things bother me.

I encourage you to think about what the reminder that eventually you’re going to die can do for you in your life. Maybe you’re beating yourself up too much over the little things that, if you remember that ultimately you’re going to die, wouldn’t seem as important is.

It’s worth thinking about.



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