Empires have burned because of the word yes.
People have died and suffering has abounded as a product of the word yes.
I’m talking about the use of the word “yes” within a context when it really shouldn’t be used. To put it another way, the idea of always agreeing and always saying yes no matter what.
Have you ever been in a conversation when you don’t necessarily agree with the person in front of you but you can’t help but find yourself agreeing verbally? These are examples of poor communication.
Imagine if you had a relationship with someone that you knew that no matter what you brought in front of them they would give you their honest opinion and they would be kind and gentle along the way. That’s an amazing relationship. When you say nothing but “yes” to everyone around you you’re denying everyone around you the chance at having that relationship with you because all you ever do is mindlessly agree.
It doesn’t mean you need to become an a****** that is constantly pushing back on everyone’s ideas and statements. But it does mean that perhaps you should take people’s statements more seriously and therein take your own statements more seriously and start saying yes less.