I am the type of young person that has a desire to wrestle with and talk about ideas that are true of everyone no matter their age. That puts me in a difficult position.
Obviously, I wish I had 30 more years of thinking and working through the ideas that I talk about before I talk about them. Yet, I cannot wait 30 more years because my life is now.
The key to moving forward as a young person who accepts that they must speak now at the risk of being wrong is to move forward with humility and curiosity.
Your humility and curiosity must come from understanding that you cannot know all the answers. You must be ready to listen and learn and change and grow.
I encourage you to work through things in an honest and transparent way that others can understand and follow.
Firstly, you might inspire someone, secondly, you will quickly draw feedback from others who know more than you do and want to help you learn.
The only situation in which no one benefits is your inaction.
If you never do anything, if you never speak out, if you never try to wrestle with the ideas in your mind, you will come to a time when you have no more moments to waste.
Overcome this paradox that comes with youth and inexperience in order that, one day, you won’t have to look back and say, “I wish I had tried.”