There was once a man living in a small village. He felt empty.
In the summers he would sit on his porch and feel the warmth of the sun on his skin.
In the fall he would hear the rustling of the leaves.
In the winter he would listen to the snow fall.
In the spring he would watch the grass push away the stones and grow green and full of life.
But he felt something was missing. One day he packed a bag and said goodbye to his family and went in search of what it meant to live a good life.
He studied for years with a wise man memorizing every bit of wisdom the world had to offer.
He then trained under a master to learn how to take only one breath a month and drink only a glass of water a year.
But he still felt empty.
Finally, he met an immortal and who told him the secret to life.
The immortal told him that to live a good life you must…feel the warm sun on the porch in the summer, the breeze blowing through the trees in the fall, the quiet sound of the snow falling in the winter, and the grass pushing away the stones in the spring.
This is a good life.